Saturday, August 4, 2012

KC Fringe Call for Community Feedback

Robert Trussell, theatre critic for the KC Star, writes, "Funny thing about KC Fringe - even when it’s over, it’s not over." True. Make sure you read this article about several shows moving on to play stages in New York or extending their play here like "Lessons from Marlene" at the Fishtank this weekend.

The 8th KC Fringe Festival may be over but the bean counting is not. While one group tracks our growth rate this year at 23%, another informs us on how many times kazoos, sex behind couches and men climbing ladders occurred in this year's festival. Our Facebook Fan Page reports that a freak sporting accident involving a Shuttlecock dealt an abrupt end to the hero of "7 (x1) Samurai". The Fringe's creative crew gets the job done but never loses their perspective -- this is the business of art, after all.

We plan to get better in 2013 and you can help us now! Here's how...

1. Attend our community feedback session on Monday, August 6th at KCPT at 7 p.m. Please come share your thoughts on how we can improve.

2. Fill out our survey. You had to attend at least one event at the 2012 KC Fringe. Go to the if you have trouble with the link.

3. Attend an iFringe. These are 1-hour sessions that give you a tour of our mission. Find out how to be a part of one of the fastest growing art organizations in Kansas City. To get a better

If you're feeling like things are anti-climatic post Fringe Festival, stop right there. We live in a city that's being coined "America's Creative Crossroads". We're a burgeoning arts mecca and the Fringe Festival is a great immersion experience. But the artists, venues and even the KC Fringe host events all year round. I encourage you to go to the venue's websites and get their fall performance schedules, call up your friends, support the performing arts all year long.


Cheryl Kimmi
Executive Director
KC Fringe Festival

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